Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS

Should you take out wedding insurance?

An important consideration for your wedding day is wedding insurance which, although is not essential, can give you both peace of mind and financial protection from unforeseen circumstances. So, should you take out wedding insurance or is it an unnecessary expense? Wedding insurance covers you for losses should something go wrong in the lead up …

party venues East Sussex, Uk

Our most commonly asked wedding questions!

When it comes to planning your dream wedding day, we have had a huge amount of experience! Hosting weddings since 2012, the dedicated team at Briar House Barns have helped countless couples plan their perfect wedding day and bring their dream wedding visions to life.  We totally understand that there is a lot to consider …

Your Perfect Wedding Day Timings

One of the most important things to consider once you have booked your wedding venue and have an idea of guest numbers is what your wedding day timings should be.  If you get the timings right on the day, everything will flow smoothly without any rush or feeling of things going too fast, but get …

Planning Your Perfect Wedding Day!

Congratulations on your engagement! You’ve popped the bubbly, told all your friends and family and soaked up all the love and best wishes from your favourite people. But now what? When all the excitement has calmed down and you realise that you now have to actually plan a wedding, where on earth do you start?! …